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Jan 10, 2022
2 min read


Things, peculiar things and questions that caught my eye while watching West World

Watch trailer on YouTube

  1. Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality?
  2. Tell us what you think of this world?
  3. What do yo think of the other people?
  4. Do you ever feel inconsistencies in your life? Or repetition?(Dolores: All lives have routines. But there is a chance that in one encounter can change my whole life)
  5. What if I told you that you were wrong?
  6. Who you really are?

  1. Winning doesn’t mean anything unless someone else loses, that is why hosts are programmed to lose. That is why newcomers pay to play a rigged game. They play the game so similar to life so it makes them feel they are winning at life
  2. As Dolores was saying - “she is lucky to be alive”, she was being raped in a scene parallely. What did they mean to show by that?

  • My questions

Q. If they could have made anything, then why did they make everything like human world? Why did they became gods of the human world? Why not something different? Why not something better?